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Why Choosing Garden Windows is the Way to Go

By December 18, 2017No Comments

Looking for replacement windows? Some homeowners don’t realize that garden windows can be some of the most gorgeous windows in a home. Homeowners love these windows because not only do they look gorgeous and fit almost any space, but these windows allow just the right amount of sunlight in to revitalize and help their plants grow. Garden windows also allow homeowners to display their gorgeous plants and herbs while enjoying scenic views.

Garden windows will take your home to the next level and make it magazine worthy with minimal effort. Another benefit of garden windows that many homeowners don’t realize is that these windows, like bay windows, increase ventilation and allow for more direct and natural sunlight to safely enter your home and window area. Often times garden windows use casement windows as end vents that are angled at 90 degrees to create a box-like window. This is why garden windows are so great for storing plants out of harm’s way. This also works well for growing an herb collection.  Rather than putting plants outside and allowing them to come in contact with raccoons, rats, and stray cats and dogs, a garden window offers many benefits to plants while keeping them safe from all the potential hazards of the outdoors. These types of windows are great as replacement windows and also revamp your home without much work.

Unsure if a garden window would look good in your home? Most garden windows look great in any and all homes and a general rule of thumb with homeowners and installers is that if you have the space in your kitchen, a garden window will always look stunning. These windows allow you to bring nature inside your home while pulling natural light in and offering gorgeous views.

If that doesn’t entice you, know that garden windows will create a charming look and bring character to your home while adding all the other benefits that a replacement window does. Sometimes a kitchen can be pretty and spacious and overall “nice” but something is missing. Installing a garden window into your space can make all the difference and give your kitchen the facelift its been desperately needing. Even if you’re thinking about selling your home down the road or in the near future, the more you put into your home the more you will get back.

A garden window will not only give your home character on the inside but also on the outside as well. While adding curbside appeal to your home, this kind of replacement window will also add resale value to your home and could potentially attract more buyers. But don’t take our word for it, see for yourself!

At Homestar Windows and Doors, we’ve installed hundreds of windows in Salt Lake City area. We know windows and what works best for a home. We won’t sell you on something just to make a sale. With over 30 years of business experience we’re proud to offer our customers the most affordable prices on the top-quality products. Call us today at (801) 770-4703 or visit our showroom located at 12278 S Lone Peak Pkwy Ste 102 Draper, UT 84020, Monday through Friday, 8am to 6pm, and Saturday 10am to 2pm. Let Homestar Windows and Doors help you find the best replacement window for your Salt Lake City home.

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