What’s your favorite color? You may or may not have painted your house that color, but you still have a lot of clothes that feature the color either way, right? Color gives life a little extra spice and if you use it just right, it can put a complete touch on any project. If you need replacement windows in South Jordan, UT, color is very important to the overall look you’ll end up with once the windows are installed. Here are some options and what to consider for this very important decision.
What Color Is Your House?
You can’t just randomly pick a color and hope that it suits the color of your home. Well, you could, but it wouldn’t likely turn out well. Think about your home’s coloring and what would look best with it. If you go with white window frames, you can’t really go wrong. White looks good with pretty much any color you have on your home and it won’t look bad later if you paint the house a different color. But there might be a color that will look even better on your house than white, so keep that in mind as well.
Do You Want A Blend Or Contrast?
There are two ways you could go with your replacement window colors. You could blend them into the color of your house so everything is coordinated or you could contrast them with the color in some way. A stark contrast would be black windows on a white house. Black is actually a very popular window color right now and it works with many different light colors. You could get the exact same color as your house or you could get a darker or lighter color in a similar shade to contrast with what you have. Hold colors up against your home and see if you like the blend or the contrast.
Will You Like It Later?
If you are getting vinyl replacement windows, which most homeowners do today, you want to get a color that looks great now, but will also fit in with your style later. Some homeowners are going bold and getting a bright color in a certain tone, like blue, green, or even red. While they like it now, they need to be sure they will also like it later. Going with neutral tones that can blend in with many other styles is often the best choice, especially for resale value in the future.
When you’re ready for replacement windows in South Jordan, UT, contact the experts at HomeStar Windows & Doors by visiting 12278 S Lone Peak Pkwy Ste 102 Draper, UT 84020. We’re here to help you with every decision along the way, including color. We can show you samples of window colors, let you take them home to see them against your house, and show you pictures of past jobs of various colors. You’ll make a lot of decisions in the process and figuring out color is an important one. Call us at (801) 770-6835 to set up a free consultation appointment.