If you are fairly certain your home could use replacement windows in Draper, UT, as the homeowner, you get to decide when you are going to have those windows installed. There are four seasons of the year and you can actually install windows in any of them. Here are some of the benefits or drawbacks of having windows installed in each of those seasons.
Summer is a popular month for window installations. The weather is warmer and perhaps you have some time you can take off to look through projects and stay home for the day of installation. On the other hand, summer can get a bit uncomfortable in its heat and when the windows are taken out and replaced, you will be letting that heat into your house. It doesn’t have to be a big deal since your home won’t be exposed for long.
Fall is the perfect time of the year to get new windows installed. The summer months have fallen away and cooler temperatures are settling in. You don’t have to worry about heat, but you do have a lot of decisions to make. Fall is also a great time of the year because you are getting ready for the winter months and you will be prepared for turning that heat on. Smaller bills are on the way to your mailbox when it gets colder.
While you might not consider winter a great time of the year to install windows since the temperatures are cooler and you would be letting that into your home, it’s actually a decent time of the year to consider. A lot fewer people are going to be lined up to get new windows at that time so it’s easy to get an installation scheduled at a time that works for you. You can also get all the personal attention you want and need from the technicians whenever you visit the store to see what’s out there.
Spring is another ideal time of the year for new windows weather-wise. It’s also a busier time of the year for the window companies so if you are going ahead in the spring, you will want to plan ahead and get your installation slot shored up sooner rather than later.
When You Need Them
The best time of the year to get new windows is—when you need them. It really doesn’t matter what season of the year it is, when you need new windows, you should get them. You can find benefits at any time of the year and in any season. When you need windows, have them installed and you will see the advantages of them right away and into the following seasons.
When you are thinking about getting replacement windows in Draper, UT, it’s smart to talk to the professionals at HomeStar Windows & Doors. We can give you free consultation at any time and we’re here to help. Give us a call and we’ll help you off on the right foot.